Clamp Heat Press

Hot Tip

Run a test print on scrap material to ensure all your settings are correct for the best transfer possible.

Set Temperature: Preheat the heat press to the recommended temperature (usually around 150-160°C or 300-320°F).

Adjust Pressure: Set heat press to a medium to firm pressure.

Prepare your Garment: Lay out your garment flat on the lower platen of the heat press. Smooth out any wrinkles and make sure the area where you will place the transfer is flat.


Place your transfer: Place your transfer onto your garment with the design facing up, and the adhesive against the garment.
Use heat-resistant tape to secure the transfer paper if it is likely to move.

Cover with Parchment Paper: Place parchment paper over top of your transfer to protect the garment and transfer during the process.

First Press

Press your garment for 10-15 seconds.


Peel Transfer Paper: After the time is up, lift the top platen and carefully remove the parchment paper.

Warm Peel: Wait a few seconds for it to cool slightly. *standard material is a warm peel.

Cool Peel: wait until the garment has cooled completely before peeling. *glitter, foil, and reflective are cool peel.

Slowly and carefully peel back the transfer paper. Keep an eye on the edges and details to ensure the entire design has adhered to the garment.

Check for Adherence: Inspect the garment to verify that all parts of the design have been properly transferred. If any part is lifting, lay the transfer paper back down gently.

Second Press

Place the parchment paper back on top of the design.

Press again for another 10-15 seconds to ensure complete adherence.


Final Inspection: After the second press, remove the parchment paper and check the design one last time.

Make sure all parts of the design are securely adhered to the garment.

Cool Down: Allow the garment to cool down completely before wearing or washing.
